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Our impact

We want to make cervical cancer a disease of the past, reduce the impact for everyone affected and to see less people diagnosed, through support, information and campaigns. Here you can read our latest annual report which features important highlights of our work.

Annual report 2020-21

Our community is at the heart of all we do, and they helped get us through a really tough year. The impact of COVID was shattering to Jo’s. We lost 88% of our event income, and saw a significant drop in unrestricted income, we had to do everything we could to keep going.

Thank you to everyone who has raised money to help us, to everyone who has shared their experience and to all who have given us their ideas or their time. Thanks to you we are able to look forwards and are focused on building for the future



Highlights of the year

  • 2,524 calls were connected to our Helpline with 91% saying they found the call helpful
  • Over 1.2 million people visited our website over the year accessing answers, tips and connecting with others through our Forum
  • We were able to raise the needs of those living with Pelvic Radiation Disease in a report highlighting gaps in care and support for those affected. This has led to meetings with a wide range of professionals across the NHS to discuss this overlooked area and the development of a strategy to raise the issue further
  • Our new 1:1 service for those living with and beyond cancer meant we could provide tailored, individual support at a time when services were being cancelled and paused
  • Women with a learning disability are less likely to attend cervical screening. To address this we worked with Enable Scotland to co-produce 5 films which have already been viewed almost 3,000 times providing accessible information and tips
  • We carried out research identifying groups who were less likely to access cervical screening during the pandemic and worked with NHS England to support the recovery of the programme

Our accounts

Our Financial statements provide detailed information about our income and expenditure and our financial statements for the year ending 31 July 2020. Read our Financial Statements > (see page 24)

View our previous annual reviews:

2020-212019-20 | 2018-192017-18 | 2016-17 | 2015-16 | 2014-15 | 2013-14 | 2012-13 | 2011-12 | 2010-11 | 2009-10

"From day one of my diagnosis, Jo’s has been there. It is a place where you can find strength at a time when you’re at your weakest!"
Read Tessa's story

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