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Pelvic radiation disease (PRD)

Pelvic radiation disease, or PRD, is a term used for a group of long-term symptoms you may get after radiotherapy, brachytherapy or chemoradiation. 

We know that many women and people with a cervix live with symptoms of PRD and that, without the right support, it can be challenging. We hope that this information can help you understand more about any symptoms you might experience and feel confident in asking your GP or hospital healthcare team how to manage them. 

If you need some extra support to start that conversation or aren’t sure who to contact, we are here. You can call our free Helpline on 0808 802 8000 or get in touch with our 1:1 service so we can listen and help you explore the next steps.

Blogs and stories

"I'd like to offer encouragement to other sufferers – side effects really do seem to improve over time"

"Bowel damage from treatment has meant I have had to go onto a special diet"


Date last updated: 
29 Oct 2020
Date due for review: 
29 Oct 2022