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Cervical screening for trans men and/or non-binary people

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Accessing cervical screening in an environment where they feel safe and in control can be difficult for many people. This can be exacerbated for trans men and/or non-binary people with a cervix who may face personal and systematic barriers to accessing routine cervical screening, as well as discrimination because of their gender identity.

It’s important to remember that trans men and/or non-binary people may experience barriers that aren't related to their gender identity, such as fear of results, access to the test because of physical disability, and previous trauma. As you would with any patient, it is vital you recognise this and support them with each individual need.

It is impossible to understate the importance of the sample taker and other staff, especially your personal relationship with the patient, in overcoming these barriers. You may be the difference between someone feeling able to go to cervical screening or not attending. 

Can trans men and/or non-binary people have cervical screening?

Anyone with a cervix between ages 25 and 64 is eligible for cervical screening, which includes many trans men and/or non-binary people. Some trans men and/or non-binary people may have had gender confirmation surgery that involves removing the cervix, so will no longer be eligible. Trans women do not need cervical screening.

Stories, blogs and articles

"I thought my test would be one of the worst experiences of my life, but my nurse was so kind and understanding."

"My practice nurse had never really dealt with trans people before me, we learnt about these things together."

We facilitated this roundtable discussion on the experiences of cervical screening for LGBT+ people.

In this article, we share tips for supporting trans and/or non-binary patients through cervical screening.


Date last updated: 
17 May 2021
Date due for review: 
01 Sep 2023